
CA0695 Grand Tour Carved Serpentine Il Porcollino

An attractive naturalistic 19th Century Grand Tour Italian carved Serpentine model of the famous Il Porcollino, or the Uffizi Boar, in Florence. Originally commisioned by Cosimo II de' Medici and sculpted by Pietro Tacca (1577-1640) it was probably inspired by an original Hellenistic marble boar now situated in the Uffizi Gallery. Inspired by the Calydonian Boar of Greek mythology the later version is now housed in the Museo Bardini in the Palazzo Mozzi. Traditionally Grand Tour travellers would rub the boar's nose to ensure they would one day return to Florence. Small repairs. Florence, circa 1870.

H 12cm x W 14cm x D 7.5cm

Stock No.: CA0690/243
Price: £340

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